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1-866-726-3478Transitional living homes, often called sober living homes, are places that people often move into after completing a residential addiction treatment program in Tulia.
They provide a middle ground between rehab and returning home. There have been numerous studies and great amounts of research done into the length of time a person spends in treatment and subsequent recovery.
Generally speaking, a longer time in treatment predicts better outcomes in recovery. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recommends that people stay in an addiction treatment program for at least 90 days and longer in some cases. The recommendation is to spend time in transitional housing after completing a rehab program so that you are better placed to avoid relapsing.
There is 1 drug rehab center that offers this service.Do you need help finding the right drug or alcohol rehab facility in your area?
Fill out the form below or call 1-866-726-3478 to get the help you need.
Types of Services:
Transitional Living